Pepay Roadmap
Current Phase: Alpha 🚧
Focus: Core infrastructure & multi-chain foundation
✅ Supported Blockchains: Solana, BSC, Base
✅ Notifications System: Webhook notifications
✅ Redundancy Systems: Multiple failovers for recording and notifying transactions
✅ TypeScript SDK: Node based SDK for Developers
✅ Dev Console: Merchant management console (create keys, view invoices, manage tokens)
✅ Pepay: Pepay purchase iframe
🚧 Frames Builder
🚧 Support Arbitrum Optimism
🚧 Testnet APIs: Early developer access (v0.1)
🚧 Smart Transactions: Conditional logic templates (3/5 modules live)
Developer Tools:
✅ n8n workflow integration
🚧 AI16z plugin
Next Phase: Gen1 🔜
Focus: MainNet readiness & ecosystem expansion
Network Stability:
🚧 Testnet/MainNet parity (RPC currently supports mainnet and testnet layer)
◻️ 99.9% uptime SLA
New Chain Support:
🚧 Avalanche (AVAX) integration (TestNet only)
◻️ Automated settlement to USDC
Gas Optimization:
◻️ Smart fee prediction engine
Growth Features:
✅ User onboarding flow (internal testing)
◻️ RPC notifications
◻️ Admin Inventory
◻️ Python SDK
◻️ Farcaster Frames
Dev Stack Upgrades:
🚧 Pydantic Integration
◻️ ARC production framework
◻️Griffain or Virtuals Integration
Gen2 Release 🌟
Focus: Cross-chain unification (get assets in one currency instantly)
◻️ Native Chain Swaps
◻️ Unified Assets System
◻️ Lending
Future Improvements 🔮
Chain Support
Polygon ◻️, TON ◻️, Near Protocol ◻️
In consideration
Dev Experience
Python SDK 🚧
Q2 target
Third-party audits ✅
🚧 In Progress
Ambassador program 🚧
Pilot running
Key: ✅ = Completed | 🚧 = In Progress | ◻️ = Not Started
"Shipping beats perfection" - Updated weekly in our development sprints
Last updated