Pepay N8N
(Coming Soon)
PEPAY n8n Integration
Transform your n8n workflows with PEPAY's cryptocurrency payment processing capabilities. Automate payment collection, invoice management, and payment status tracking seamlessly within your n8n instance.
⚠️ BETA NOTICE: This integration is currently in beta. While fully functional, features and APIs may change. While available on github,developers must create their own N8N credentials at this time.
Payment Processing
Create cryptocurrency payment invoices programmatically
Support for multiple cryptocurrencies
Real-time payment status tracking
Automatic exchange rate calculations
Invoice Management
Create and manage invoices
Track payment statuses
Search and filter invoices
Calculate payment totals
Webhook Integration
Real-time payment notifications
Secure webhook validation
Multiple event types support
Automatic retry mechanism
Installation (Coming Soon)
Node Types
1. PEPAY Node
Regular node for invoice operations:
Create Invoice
Get Invoice Details
List Invoices
Calculate Totals
2. PEPAY Trigger Node
Webhook trigger node for real-time events:
Payment Received
Invoice Expired
Partial Payment
Payment Overpaid
Credentials Setup
Navigate to n8n Credentials
Add new credential
Select "PEPAY API"
Environment (Production/Testnet)
Webhook Secret (for triggers)
Basic Usage
Creating an Invoice
Setting up Webhooks
Node Reference
PEPAY Node Operations
Create Invoice
Input Parameters:
Amount (USD)
Customer ID (optional)
Metadata (optional)
Expiration Time (optional)
Get Invoice
Search Options:
By Invoice ID
By Customer ID
List Invoices
Filtering Options:
Status (paid/unpaid/expired)
Date Range
Customer ID
PEPAY Trigger Node
Supported Events
: Full payment receivedinvoice.expired
: Invoice expirationinvoice.partial_payment
: Partial payment receivedinvoice.overpaid
: Payment exceeds invoice amount
Automatic signature verification
Timestamp validation
Secure webhook secrets
Basic Payment Flow
Advanced Usage
Error Handling
The integration provides comprehensive error handling:
API errors with detailed messages
Webhook validation failures
Network connectivity issues
Rate limiting handling
Best Practices
Webhook Security
Always use HTTPS endpoints
Validate webhook signatures
Store webhook secrets securely
Error Handling
Implement proper error catching
Use retry mechanisms for transient failures
Log failed webhook deliveries
Use pagination for large invoice lists
Process webhooks asynchronously
Implement proper timeout handling
Support & Resources
Coming Soon
Advanced filtering options
Batch operations
Custom notification templates
Enhanced reporting features
Multi-currency support
Advanced webhook configurations
Last updated